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Let’s Cook, 1950s Style
Jasmin Bollman
Posted on May 01 2014

In the Kitchen with Jackie
Rebekah Baker
Posted on April 22 2014
We all know Jackie Kennedy had an impeccable sense of style, but did you know she also had just as good taste in recipes? From waffles to roast rack of lamb, Jackie’s favorite tried and true recipes live on today in cookbooks and restaurant menus. Last year on Mother’s Day, Jackie’s much-loved waffle recipe was [...]
The Statement Dessert
Posted on December 02 2013
There you are. Your hair is piled perfectly on top of your head like a ballerina, your red lipstick is ready for smacking, and your brand new Shabby Apple Fire and Ice dress is hugging your figure in all the right places. It’s time for the annual holiday gathering at your in-laws house.Fire and Ice [...]
DIY Christmas Dinner Party
Posted on December 01 2013
Amidst the icy weather and busy schedules, nothing sounds more inviting than staying in and hosting a cozy Christmas dinner party. I love these intimate gatherings because they are formal enough to justify some party planning, but not too overwhelming during this demanding season. Make some simple decorations, buy the perfect Shabby Apple dress, cook [...]
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