Introducing “Lipstick” Our Encore Holiday Collection

Posted on December 09 2013

Over the last few weeks I’ve written a few posts on lipstick (here and here) but nothing makes your lip color pop quite like the perfect outfit. Our new line—Lipstick, an encore Holiday Collection—was designed to celebrate bright holiday hues, vintage fashions, and of course the bold women who wear them. These pungent pinks, saucy reds, and splashes of golden orange will give you every reason to wear lipstick this Christmas season and to feel fantastic about it. From gorgeous stretch taffetas to richly decorative brocades, these dresses make for the perfect holiday companion for every occasion. Our party dresses are both festive and sophisticated while our high-waisted skirts can go classy with a decorative blazer or casual with a cardigan. See for yourself!

Capulet Skirt, French Holiday Jacket, Sweet Dreams Necklace

Fire and Ice Dress - Red

Kissed with Gold Dress

Sweet Petal Skirt

So, go on and paint the town (and your lips) red!...or pink, or orange; but whatever you choose, make sure it matches one of these fantastic new designs. Happy Holidays to you!

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